

Composizione del Parlamento europeo

European Parliament legislative resolution of 13 September 2023 on the draft European Council decision establishing the composition of the European Parliament (00013/2023 – C9-0319/2023 – 2023/0900(NLE)) – LINK

DRAFT EUROPEAN COUNCIL DECISION establishing the composition of the European Parliament ‒ Consent of the European Parliament ‒ Initiation of written procedure – LINK

European Parliament legislative resolution of 15 June 2023 on the composition of the European Parliament 2021/2229(INL) – 2023/0900(NLE) – LINK

European Parliament legislative resolution of 13 September 2023 on the draft European Council decision establishing the composition of the European Parliament (00013/2023 – C9-0319/2023 – 2023/0900(NLE)) – LINK

Council Decision (EU) 2018/937 of 28 June 2018 (it establishes the composition of the European Parliament for the 2019-2024) – LINK

COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION (EU) 2018/234 of 14 February 2018 on enhancing the European nature and efficient conduct of the 2019 elections to the European Parliament – LINK

European Parliament resolution of 26 November 2020 on stocktaking of European elections (2020/2088 (INI)) – LINK

Procedura elettorale

Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage, annexed to Council Decision 76/787/ECSC, EEC, Euratom of 20 September 1976 (consolidated text) – LINK

Election of the Members of the European Parliament by direct universal Suffrage – European Parliament legislative resolution of 3 May 2022 on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage, repealing Council Decision (76/787/ECSC, EEC, Euratom) and the Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage annexed to that Decision (2020/2220(INL) – 2022/0902(APP)) – LINK

Draft Report by D. Ruiz Devesa (AFCO Committee) on the reform of the electoral law of the European Union (2020/2220(INL)), 1.07.2021 – LINK

European Parliament resolution of 26 November 2020 on stocktaking of European elections, Rapporteur: Pascal Durand (Renew, France), Procedure: 2020/2088(INI) – LINK

European Parliament resolution of 7 February 2018 on the composition of the European Parliament. Based on Report of 26 January 2018, on the composition of the European Parliament, Rapporteurs: Danuta Maria Hübner (EPP, Poland) and Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D, Portugal), Procedure: 2017/2054(INL) – 2017/0900(NLE) – LINK

Council Decision (EU, Euratom) 2018/994 of 13 July 2018 amending the Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage, annexed to Council Decision 76/787/ECSC, EEC, Euratom of 20 September 1976 – LINK

Legal Service Council of the EU Brussels, 15 March 2016 (OR. en) 7038/16 European Parliament´s Proposal for a Council decision adopting the provisions amending the Act concerning the election of the members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage – legal assessment – LINK

European Parliament 2014 –2.10.2015 REPORT on the reform of the electoral law of the European Union (2015/2035(INL)) Committee on Constitutional Affairs Co-rapporteurs: Danuta Maria Hübner, Jo Leinen. 2019 A8-0286/2015 – LINK

REPORT on a proposal for a modification of the Act concerning the election of the Members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage of 20 September 1976 (2009/2134(INI) (A. Duff Report) – LINK


BARTL M., Hayek Upside-Down: On the Democratic Effects of Transnational Lists, in German Law Journal, 2020, 57

BOL D., HARFST PH., BLAIS A., GOLDER S. N., LASLIER J.-F., STEPHENSON L. B., VAN DER STRAETEN K., Addressing Europe’s democratic deficit: An experimental evaluation of the pan-European district proposal, in European Union Politics, Vol. 17(4), 2016, pp. 525-545

BRIGHT J., GARZIA D., LACEY J. AND TRECHSEL A. H., Trans-nationalising Europe’s Voting Space, in EUI Working Paper, RSCAS, 2014/02

CIANCIO A., New Uniform Electoral Procedure to Re-Legitimate the Process of Political Integration in Europe. About the EU Parliament Resolution of 11 November 2015 on the Reform of the 1976 Electoral Act, in federalismi.it, 23/2015

CICCHI L. , Europeanising the Elections of the European Parliament, Study requested by the AFCO Committee of the European Parliament, doc. PE 694.199 June 2021

COSTA O., Can the Conference on the Future of Europe unlock the EU elections reform? Reflections on transnational lists and the lead-candidate system, in European Law Journal, 2021 – LINK

COSTA O., The European Parliament in Times of EU Crisis. Dynamics and Transformations, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 255-274.

DE PASQUALE P., Osservazioni sulla valorizzazione del ruolo del Parlamento europeo nella giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia, in Liber Amicorum Antonio Tizzano. De la Cour CECA à la Cour de l’Union: le long parcours de la justice européenne, Torino, 2018, pp. 288-300

DIAZ CREGO M., Transnational Electoral Lists. Ways to Europanise Elections to the European Parliament, EPRS Study, PE 679.084., February 2021 – LINK

DIAZ CREGO M., M., Towards new rules for European elections?, European Parliamentary Research Service, PE 729.403, 2022 – LINK

DI STEFANO L., L’integrazione politica europea che (ancora) non c’è : alcune considerazioni sulla proposta di realizzare liste transnazionali per l’elezione del Parlamento europeo all’indomani della Brexit, in Osservatorio costituzionale, 2018, pp. 1-12

DI STEFANO L., La soglia di sbarramento della legge elettorale italiana per il parlamento europeo all’esame della Corte costituzionale (nota a Corte cost.n. 239/2018,), in Rivista AIC, 3/2019, p. 537 ss.

DONATELLI L., A Pan-European district for the European elections? The rise and fall of the Duff proposal for the electoral reform of the European Parliament, in Bruges Political Research Paper 44/2015

DUFF A., Parliamentary Europe, in DUFF, A., Constitutional Change in the European Union, Pelgrave 2022, 37 ss. – LINK

DUFF A., Democratic legitimacy in the European Union: taking a new look at the composition and electoral procedure of the European Parliament, in European Parliament Policy Department C (Ed.), The Electoral Reform of the European Parliament: composition, procedure and legitimacy, In-Depth Analysis PE 510.002, 2015, pp. 4-17

HRBEK R., The Arduous Way Towards a Uniform Electoral System for the European Parliament, in KOTANIDIS S., Spitzen-kandidaten or the lead candidate process, Study EPRS, PE 749.776 – June 2023

LIONELLO, L., Il ruolo del Parlamento europeo nell’evoluzione dell’equilibrio istituzionale dell’Unione europea. Alcune riflessioni alla luce della prassi più recente, in STUDI SULL’INTEGRAZIONE EUROPEA>>, XV; 2020 (2): 411-429

N. LUPO, A. MANZELLA, Il Parlamento europeo. Una introduzione, Roma, 2019 PUKELSHEIM, F. AND OELBERMANN, K.-F., Reinforcing uniformity in the European election act: gentle interim arrangements in 2019 – Towards systematic double-proportionality in 2024, in European Parliament Policy Department C (Ed.), The Electoral Reform of the European Parliament: composition, procedure and legitimacy, In-Depth Analysis PE 510.002, 2015, pp. 18-25 – LINK

SGRÒ F., Clausola di sbarramento e Parlamento europeo. Una lettura comparata della sentenza n. 239/2018 della Corte costituzionale, in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2020, p. 243

C. VERGER, Transnational Lists: a Political Opportunity for Europe with Obstacles to Overcome _Notre Europe, Institute Jacques Delors, policy paper , February 2018 – LINK


The real right of persons with disabilities to vote in European Parliament elections – LINK

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